Animal Health
The GluCurve Pet CGM is the first and only Continuous Glucose Monitoring system for diabetic cats and dogs. Learn more at
The GluCurve Pet CGM
The first and only continuous glucose monitor for cats and dogs! Designed and customized specifically for veterinarians, pet owners, and pets!
GluCurve takes the guesswork out of diabetes care by providing accurate and effortless glucose readings while the pet is in the comfort of their home, and competitively priced less than the average in-clinic glucose curves or using a human CGM.

The GluCurve online portal automates and organizes data collected from the CGM (via iOS or Android app) making diabetic patient management simple and easy for veterinarians. It reduces time spent calculating insulin dosing by automating the process with suggestions based on best care guidelines, and it stores the 480 data points per day into 24h glucose curve graphs that can easily be overlaid and compared.
The pain-free application of the GluCurve by a veterinarian takes minutes and the pet is sent home where glucose readings are automatically taken every three minutes while on the pet. The data is uploaded to the ALRT platform and organized using AI to provide large scale patient management, current and historic glucose curves, insulin dose suggestions and guidelines, and insulin prescription history
Glucose readings are recorded during the normal home life of the pet providing a true picture of their blood sugar each day the GluCurve Pet CGM is used. Unlike the traditional method of drawing blood from the pet and testing with a glucose meter, the GluCurve provides stress free and painless readings.
Financially Favorable
The GluCurve Pet CGM is sold directly to veterinarians at a financially favorable price so that they can be compensated for their time and skill while offering it to pet owners at a cost less than the average in-clinic glucose curve. This results in higher profit margins for the clinic and a lower cost to pet owners than traditional methods while delivering superior results.